Use of VoIP API integrations

VoIP technology supports voice communication over an internet connection, and is used by businesses of varied types to elevate their communication systems. VoIP systems can also be integrated with other apps with ease by using APIs. By integrating of Voice API Solutions from telephone systems such as the VoIP system, you would be able to make use of voice functionalities through your app. VoIP system is a network service that shares its network infrastructure with many other services. As a result, it can be integrated with other services without much of a hassle. The applications of VoIP API integrations can be many, including customer care and Web/Mobile app calling.

Customer Care:

Help desk platform can be connected to a VoIP system through an API, to make certain useful features accessible, such as call buttons. For example, a customer has created a ticket to resolve a problem they are facing with any of your products. To call the customer, you would have to get their phone number and call them up through a phone system. However, with API integration with VoIP services, you simply have to click a call button on that specific ticket for your helpdesk phone to initiate a call. Voice communication metrics like the number of calls per ticket and call duration also become readily available.

Web/Mobile app calling

Certain mobile apps, such as the ones meant to book airline tickets, may have built-in voice communication features that let people make VoIP calls from the app itself. The app provides a SIP interface that connects to the developer’s (or a third-party’s) SIP server to make a voice call to a company representative.

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